Jul 7, 2009


Under the assumption that all is composed of me and what is not me, the sum of me and not-me equals universe. The universe without me is meaningless in the same way it is meaningless without not-me.

Me and not-me confront with each other in a disorderly manner. However, its product, the universe, is symmetrically in harmony. In other words, often me and not-me collide disorderly in this relationship, but since the universe is base for their existences and embraces their common ground, both compromise and convey into a balance point.

Of course, me changes all the time trying to break the status quo to find a new balance. Same happens to the not-me. This creates continuous tension within the universe. There are many ways to explode this tension: war, persuasion, extermination, compromise. Whatever it is the method, there is always a new final output.

This is the process how the universe evolves, and once me or not-me ceases to exist, it goes back to the initial point of emptyness. It is now when all becomes nothing and meaningless. Of course there is no reason for me and not-me to be lazy in the evolutionary process of the universe, even if reality says that the destiny of all is nothing. Both me and not-me should work hard for the good so that the evolution path becomes good in effect. The outcomes that are never-endingly created by tension-breaking process of the universe vanish constantly. But that's not a motivation to stop doing good. After all, the outcomes that are created need to be good while they are given their ephimeral existence.

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