Jun 24, 2009

Long tail effect

Yes! Today, at last, I have finished with my MBA day time courses. It is a relief; it's been long time I hadn't had actual physical time. So, the first thing I had in mind this afternoon, which has been around for long, was to sleep until I got tired of sleeping. Ha! I just coulndn't wait for that.

Well... that was a thought I had today at 5pm when the last course ended. I was so full of expectations of finally getting to do whatever I wanted. Unfortunately, that happiness lasted 1 hour. And now, here I am, again, thinking of the next many things I have to do that I have procrastinated these past two months.

This pattern has ruled my life for many years, and honestly, I am getting tired and upset about it. The very thinking of "I will have time once I finish this." had such a long tail. Well, a never ending tail. Being busy was not an external state I had been encountering. It was a state of mind that repeatedly and cyclically influeced my lifestyle.

The only thing I hope is that this clear concept that will help me overcome my evilish pattern.

Enthusiasm is doing a lot. Passion is doing it with a purpose.

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