Feb 4, 2009


Me:"Alex, before you multiply fractions,
you should always remember to simplify them first."
Alex: "But it's the same whether I simplify first or later."
Me: "Yes, but when it comes to bigger numbers,
if you simplify first, it's gonna be easier for you."
Alex: "I know, I know. Tomorrow will be a better day than today."
Me: "What?"
Alex: "Tomorrow will be better and happier than today."
Me: "..."

Just out of nothing - well... I guess it is not out of nothing.

That was the reply the ten-year-old boy made when I had told him to simplify the problems before working on them. I did not insist he give me the reason why he had said so because I knew he wouldn't provide any further bothersome explanation about an obvious truth.

Later that evening I asked myself when had been the last time I tried to keep myself simple, leaving behind all the small worries that were making huge traffic jams in my head. And then I remembered that what is in my mind is product of my decisions. So I decided to clean it up and put everything in order. At least now it looks better and I feel simpler and lighter.

My long forgotten favorite phrase from Gone with the wind pops up in my head: "After all... tomorrow is another day." Now I guess I have to replace it for a more hopeful and insightful quote from Alexander.

"Tomorrow will be a better day than today."

1 comment:

Cristina Portolés Ocampo said...

¡Qué bien saber que estás rodeada de diminutos personajillos que te van recordando las verdades más simples!
Si es que... cuando dicen que de los niños y de los borrachos puedes fiarte porque siempre dicen la verdad... ¡cuánta razón llevan!
Bueno, te paso el relevo. Yo me voy a la camita y dejo en tus manos un día muuucho mejor que el de ayer. ¡Pero cuídamelo, ¿eh?! ¡Que yo te lo dejo en perfecto estado! ^^