Nov 6, 2008

Owl & Parrot Vs. Owl Parrot

October 1st was the date I acquired a small English academy together with a friend. The name is Owl and Parrot. The academy's former director had named it and we did not change because changing its name would bring impacts on our sales.
Plus, I think the name is quite funny. To be wise and ovservant like an owl, and to continously try and express like a parrot. This is the aim I am pursuing; I want my kids to be observant, wise, with chanlleging spirits.
Today I discovered that there is a bird called Owl parrot.
As shown in the picture, it's not pretty at all. I wonder if it is a product of crossbreeding.
Back to the business topic, we began very excitedly,
however we hadn't expected that running a business was this difficult.
There are so many things we have to take care of. From managing personnel to satisfying customers. The hardest part is dealing with discomforted mothers.
I definitely need to be more obeservant about my customers' needs and desires, be wiser when communicating with them and continously try even when I face failure after failure.
Perhaps, the name Owl & Parrot was there not for my kids.
It was already there just for me.
To remind me of what is important.
To tell what I should focus on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡Ay! Es interesantísimo al mismo tiempo que muy tierno. Me encanta llegar al fondo de las cosas que parecen simples o insignificantes pero no lo son; y me parece una inmejorable presentación de tu nueva aventura.
Puede que el nombre te sirva para recordártelo de vez en cuando, pero... ¡Yo creo que ya eres toda una Owlparrot!