Mar 2, 2008


Uno de los hobbies que siempre quise empezar y que por mi consistence vagancia no pudo ser llevada a cabo fue la fotografia.

Ahora que tengo fines de semanas relativamente mas libres y que viene la primavera a Seul, estoy pensando en retomar mi pequenyo deseo.

A comprar una nueva camara, o a hacer milagros con lo que queda de lo que habia sido una camara?
Sony P32 (3 Megapixels), el regalito que me hice al terminar la carrera.

Miren, miren! Que hace cosas bonitas!!!
Fotos sacadas en Cambodia, hace exactamente 2 anyos.

Rice cakes

It became a habit to have rice cakes for breakfast.
They are tasty, healthy, and most importantly, convenient.
You want something sweet, you have those that have red bean pastes in it.
You want something salty, they are also available.
So, I switch every morning.
On Lunar New Year, I came to see how these rice cakes
were used to be made in the old times.
People say that this is the right way to make the most delicious rice pastes. Well, I would trade a bit of that delicious taste for some hygene...